I was excited for the Bowl for the more obvious reasons. Food. A very helpful butcher at Smith's helped me pick out a lovely brisket so I took it home and threw together some stuff I thought went in barbeque sauce for cooking brisket. Into a glass dish went:
a bottle of JD's barbeque sauce
2 tbsp worcesrteresisiirrerchierestire sauce
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp chopped garlic
1 tsp dry mustard
....and Lawry's seasoned salt and black pepper until I thought it was enough.
Mixed that up, plopped in the brisket, coated and covered. Let it sit in the fridge overnight, then woke up at 630 to load it into the crockpot (along with a splash of Jack). Then, back the F to bed. When it came time for gametime, lo and behold, there was brisket.
Not really the best shot, but it kept sliding off my knife while I was trying to aim the camera. But, Boris came through with the bitchin' camera phone yet again, and he brought the hamburger buns. I set to loading the table up with chips, salsa, plates and napkins when Mike-o began to lament the lack of wings. "I usually go to Wing Stop, but I didn't this time, and..." Now I wasn't about to let him go without wings, so 10 minutes later I'm walking through Smith's again searching for wings. The deli was nearly out but had...10 for $6???? FFFFFUUUUUU. No. Back to the meat department where good old Tyson had hot wings, 20 or so for $5. Schwing! Back home, pop 'em in the oven, and here we have, the 2010 Super Bowl lineup:
My aunt gave me the chips'n'dip sombrero a couple years ago and I just love it so much. Miss Bennett also supplied delicious cannolis and I tried to make blue and black frosting for the cookies I made later. We did have blue...and purple.
Anyway, thanks to both teams for giving us such an entertaining game, and congratulations to the New Orleans Saints!! What a well-placed win, I bet Mardi Gras is even more animated for it. =)
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