Friday, January 8, 2010

Bake, bake, bake, Senor(it)a

Ah, holiday time. I wish I could eat like it still was just one more time without having to wait another 11 1/2 months. Oh wait. I can. Mom and the G-ma got uber-sick over Christmas =( so we delayed our festivities until this weekend. Gamma's making her universe-famous dressing (stuffing, whatev) so I get one more sweet taste of celebration and *meltface awesomeness*. We chose this weekend cause I went up to Denver for New Year's to visit Mike-o-rama. And then he left my ass for some lady named China. Yeah, that's right, boarded a plane and said, "Peace, cracka." His sister works in Shanghai, so he got to go visit her for 2 weeks. I have been vaguely promised that he will *try* to get some pictures of food for me, seeing as how this is a blog of nom.

Anyway, everyone knows Christmas means more baked goods/candy items than can be held by a button or zipper, so on to them. I was invited over by Boris' familia for Christmas Day dinner, and hooo boy, can they cook. I ate HAM there, if that tells you anything ; ) I wanted to bring them something to enjoy, so I tried my hand at a Yool Logg. After I'd already started mixing up the gingerbread batter, I realized I only had small square baking Baby Logg was born. Anyway, neat technique I read online, after the gingerbread comes out of the oven (line dish with wax paper for easy removal), place it on a towel and then just roll that sucker up. Let it cool, then when you unroll it, it's that spiral shape and can be easily frosted. I beat up some whipped cream and threw in some cinnamon, clove, and some chai spice I found somewhere, then used that to cover the Baby with. Sprinkled some dried mint on top, donezo. *Note to self: do not make more whipped cream than you need. I still have not heeded this lesson.*

Boris offered a suggestion on the gingerbread after sampling it: treat it like cookies and  take it out juuuust before it's done. Mine turned out just a hair overcooked. Starting to think this might just be a good general application for any bready/cake/baked thing.

My friend Srah caught the oven-bug as well and I was presented with a big plate of biscochitos and fudge she made. I was secretly hoping she'd make them again this year, so I was stoked when she made the 2009 Bisco-nnoucement. Biscochitos are the state cookie of New Mexico, so delicious and spiced, they're like pretty much the only cookie I like in both chewy and more hard form. Srah the Bisco Queen made hers in bell and tree shapes, they were adorable and just like they were last year: perfecta. I was *supposed* to try to save some for Monkey, but nope. Noooo frikkin way. These babies were my date and mine alone to the Biscotheque.


Well, I hope everyone's holiday season was enjoyable, filled with fun and food. I shall leave you with the cats and their stocking-presents on Christmas morning. Foop's is blurry cause he wouldn't stop playing with his. Well, hers....see, he sniffed his toy then picked up his sister's and carried it to the floor. So, she took his and that was that. Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!


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