Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Yuletide = Slackeritis

So yeah, the season is upon us...you know, that season where your 55 degree house seems like a tropical paradise after being outside, your wallet has more receipts in it then cash, you know. Christmayulakkah. Or as the cats call it, "box-and-paper time." I've been a little preoccupied as of late, and I will admit. I have not posted shit from 3 or 4 weeks ago because I've been trying to complete the World of Warcraft Winter Veil achievements, and aiming for Loremaster before 2010. But that matters not, my snowy owls of the intarwebs......for I have the greatest gift of all for your cold winter nights. Frito Pie. **Courtesy of Mr. Boris' spiffy camera phone, he bestows another gift of visible, clear pictures! Thanks Boris!**

That's right. To make enough for 6-8 people, saute up 1 good sized chopped onion and a regular pack of poor cow *ahem* ground beef in some EVOO. Once that's nice and browned, toss in 1 large chopped bell pepper and as much garlic as you like. I add 1 large chopped jalapeno for some extra flavor.  I love the smell of hearty veggies cooking up (and the heat from the stove didn't make me sad either). After those cook for about 5-7 mins over medium-high heat, in goes a can of kidney beans (optional of course), a can of diced tomatoes (or fresh) and some tomato sauce until it looks how you like it. I seasoned this pot with salt, pepper, ancho chile powder, oregano, and cumin (again, little by little, tasting all the way). Let it come to a boil, then turn it down to simmer for 15-20 mins.

That small pot in the back is the brave voice of animal kindness (yeah, I'm not a complete veggiehead, well pffffft). It's made with this Quorn brand fake ground beef stuff, expensive as hell, but worth it cause it goes a long way. All of that brand's products are delicious, especially their "chicken" and gruyere cutlets. Anyway. Set the table with sour cream, cheese, and green onions, load the chili over the fritos....and hot damn. Yes. the damn......is hot, my friends.

I shall leave you with this.....whose bowl of nom is this? My compassionate, moocow-friendly bowl, or those barbaric men?

Muahahahahaha. Well, off to feed the cats now. They're so mistreated. *rolls eyes*  Happy holidays to everyone, wishing you all the best that this new year can possibly hold. May you have warmth and love from your kitchen, from front door to back, and from everything beyond. 

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