Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Let's try crepes for dinner, I said. It'll be fun, I said. Uffda. Now this is NOT an entry with a recipe or any sort of helpfulness whatsoever. It's more of a...homage to living and learning. =P

OK, they weren't horrible, but wow, do I need work. I followed a crepe recipe online (pick yours or browse, cause mine obviously I didn't do right) and decided on zucchini and shrimp for Mikealicious, and zucchini and mushroom for me. Sauteed them up with some butter and DID I MENTION I love that man enough to have peeled and de-ickified 10 cold, smelly shrimp? Yeah, that's right.

For the inside, I took some ricotta (OK, too much ricotta), some cream cheese, paprika, parsley, and chipotle for a kick. Mixed it all up and set it aside. You can see the nasty shrimp-plate behind it, I was nice and remembered to clean it off before I snapped the pic.

Then came the crepe mix. It looked like all was well!! Consistency, color, alright! We're having crepes!! I never said I was a skilled or neat mixer-cook.

OK, this will be easy. Just, make a big thin pancake, right?

Uuuhhh....welp. I learned something here. Cooking spray in small amounts can really just fix everything. Hindsight is 20/20. They all came out a little like this one, but I just folded the crap parts on the bottom and haha nobody knows!! I also don't think I cooked them long enough? They were kinda dough-ish still, but not horrible.

Last steps were to spread the ricotta stuff down and fill the crepes. I really shouldn't have used so much ricotta; it kinda dominated the flavors. Melted some butter with parsley in the micro and poured it on top.

They weren't horrible!!!

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