Thursday, April 15, 2010

Yes, I'm still doing this, no, I didn't forget =D

Errrrg, I have failed for like two months now. Haven't been cooking many things of note recently, you know, the "Ugh, F it, we're having ramen and uhm, whatever's in the freezer" phases. =)

I'll backtrack a bit and post what few things I have done since last post. I came down with a cold around the beginning of March, and that meant one thing. Chicken and noodles together in a soup. I stumbled around, oozing virii and droopy-eyed, into the kitchen. Chicken, check. Carrots, yup. Broth-in-a-can, yes. Garlic, celery, and thyme, sweeeet. Now, the noodles. Uhm, we had spaghetti, shells, macaroni, and angel hair pasta. no, No, NO!!! When I'm sick and feel like crap, I get all cranky and fidgety, and I tend to get what I want. So I bundled up and went to the store, sanitizing and scarved up (I realize my grumpy indignation shouldn't make other people sick lol), despite Michael's request to take it easy and rest. NO, I will not rest until I get....

my egg noodles. Sweet success.

For a sizeable pot of Cold-Cure Chicken Noodle Soup:

2-3 carrots, peeled and cut into coin-shapies
2-3 celery ribs, cut up
chopped garlic (I love it, so just throw as much in as you want)
6-8 cups chicken broth (the noodles suck up a lot, so its good to have extra on hand)
1/2 - 1 tbsp thyme
1-2 cups egg noodles (I eye it, you don't wanna see lots of noodles at first. They suck up broth as they cook)
Cooked and shredded chicken (I'll say about 1-1 1/2 breastises)
salt and pepper
olive oil/vegetable oil

Start by sauteeing carrots and celery (onions too if you want!) in your cooking oil, then add your garlic in towards the end so it doesn't burn. Pour in your broth, thyme, and s&p and let it come to a boil, then dump in the noodles. Let those cook until tender (5-10 minutes). Now, you can pre-buy your chicken or make your own, I usually boil and season chicken breasts if I'm gonna shred them. It makes it easier to shred. Anyhoo, start shredding your chicken and add as much as you want. Again, make sure you have more broth showing than other shit, cause it will go away as it cooks. I ended up having to add more constantly cause I'm awesome. Once the chicken is warm and everything's all, you know, soupy, then get crackers and omanomnom.

Do this, and you too can have blurry, color-lacking but ooooh my god SO GOOD and comforting Chicken Noodle Soup!


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I will so try this! :D Yaaay soup!

I shall also take this opportunity to hijack your food blog and post my super-ghetto new comfort food: Mama's No-They're-Not-Warm-You-Ingrate Cold Chicken Tacos.

-1 can diced chicken breast, or some previously cooked chopped, shredded or grilled chicken breast if you're fancy
-corn tortillas
-bag o' shredded cheese
-hot sauce, if you had an extra buck at the store or if you have packets left over from Del Taco

Drain canned chicken and put it into a plastic container. Stick a fork in there and break up any too-big pieces of chicken. Bring container, cheese, hot sauce, and corn tortillas to the couch. Take a tortilla out, cradle it carefully in your hand so as not to tear it, and fill it with a couple fork-fulls of chicken, a pinch of cheese, and a dash of sauce. Gently roll or fold or whatever will keep it all together, and nom! Obviously these would be nommy-er all warm and cooked and with veggies or whatever, but sometimes you just gotta take what you get and like it. These are just so easy and filling and...yep. Here you go.

Nara said...

oooooh yes. Mama's Brown Water is a nice beverage pairing with this, and all, recipes on this blog. Thank you, Mama Sarah!!!